When water is energetically influenced the molecules can bond in a special way to form structured water.
This liquid-crystalline state of H2O, also known as hexagonal water, is naturally attracted to living organisms and encourages circulation, hydration, mineral/nutrient transportation, bio-communication, and other biological processes.
Scientists are labeling structured water as the fourth state of water between the solid and liquid phases. And, it’s a lot different than ordinary tap water!
In this article, we’ll cover the basics of what water is, look at emerging scientific evidence, explore why you should drink structured water, and how you can structure water at home.

What Are Water Molecules?
Water, or H2O, consists of two hydrogen atoms that have a positive charge and one oxygen atom with a negative charge.
The human body consists of over 60% water and is fundamental for our cellular functions. We need to drink around 13 cups of water a day to keep a normal temperature, support joints, and dispose of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.
So obviously, drinking enough water is vital for good health! But the quality of the water you drink is equally as important… That’s where structured water comes in.
What Is Structured Water?
Structured water is 100% pure water. It acts like water you are familiar with, although it explains some phenomena that shouldn’t happen:
- Why does water not fall out of jello?
- What causes sand to clump so we can make sandcastles?
- Why can a coin seemingly float on water?
- How can water levitate?
- When electrified, why can water form an unsuspended bridge?
These simple ideas defy what should be possible with H2O. The water should pour out of these materials!
How does structured water naturally form?
Water changes when it comes into contact with hydrophilic surfaces, living substances, sunlight, rocks, and minerals. This interaction causes the water molecules to form a gel – linking together in a similar way to ice – forming hexagonal lattices.
Interestingly, structured water is physically unique to the other phases of water, and can exist indefinitely. Sunlight, and other forms of radiant energy, allow the water to grow in volume and affect other water molecules.
In the laboratory, you can observe the structural change by adding dyes, salts, and microplastics. Scientists headed by Gerald Pollack labeled this water exclusion zone water, or EZ water for this reason. Structured water is aligned, stable, and constrained. Something not seen in regular, liquid water.
How to Structure Water
There are simple ways to structure ordinary drinking water by vortexing water or sun-charging water. This drastically improves the water although the Analemma water wand and other devices take it a step further to create super-structured, coherent water.
To summarize:
- Structured water can be easily created in your own home
- Has a negative charge that supports blood flow, the lymphatic system, and other biological processes
- Supports our body’s natural detoxing process by excluding contaminants.
- Is supported by sunlight and other sources of radiant energy.
- Is thicker than regular water, becoming a coherent gel.
- Feels softer on the tongue and is more hydrating. 1 2
Side Effects of Structuring Water
City/town water supplies contain chlorine (Cl), carbon dioxide (CO2), and other gaseous chemicals that remove bacteria and viruses in water. Thankfully, these chemicals naturally dissipate by vortexing water or placing it in sunlight.
The side effects of structuring water include: allowing gaseous water treatment chemicals to evaporate, improving the amount of saturated oxygen, and balancing the pH/alkalinity of your water.
Is Structured Water Good For You?
Structured water is very healthy. The difference between regular drinking water and structured water is how the water molecules bond together and cluster.
The benefits of drinking structured water extend beyond our health. Structured water can also be consumed by our pets and used in our gardens.
“Water is the most neglected nutrient in your diet, but one of the most vital.”
– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, discoverer of Vitamin C
How Much Does a Structured Water Device Cost?
These devices range from a few dollars if you make a simple water vortexing device, through to robust solutions costing $3000. Collecting water from a clean high-alpine stream, or by leaving filtered tap water in the sun, can also make sun-charged water.
Structured Water Devices
Water structuring devices can be portable for traveling, powerful enough for your swimming pool, or for quenching soil for healthier plants.
Here are our top picks for the best water structuring devices on the market now:
- Analemma-Water: Available as a structured water wand or a whole-house unit. Extensive studies show healthier mitochondria, improved left/right brain hemisphere coherence, and cellular age regression. Read our Analemma water review where we also offer a discount code or check out their products here.
- Flaska Water Bottles: These drink bottles are made with special structured glass that restructures the water after several minutes. An amazing product that’s co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and The European Union. This large drink bottle is my favorite!
Deep Dive: The Science Behind Structured Water
If you still want to know more about structured water, we’ve got you covered.
Structured Water Origins & Science
Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958), also known as “The Water Wizard,” was an Austrian forester, naturalist, philosopher, and inventor who looked at water differently than most.
He was an astute observer of mountain streams, natural water vortexes, fish movement in water currents, and the subtle flow of water.
Schauberger held numerous patents for logging flumes and water technologies, which garnered widespread international recognition during the 1930s and 1940s. His research laid the groundwork for our current understanding of structured water.
Other pioneering research was achieved by scientists including J. C. Henniker, whose research paper The Depth Of The Surface Zone of a Liquid, from 1949, cites over 100 articles.
The Fourth Phase of Water (EZ Water)
Modern scientific research is linked to Gerald Pollack, the Editor-in-Chief of the interdisciplinary journal Water. Pollack is a professor of biological engineering at the University of Washington.
Modern academic research began in 2006. When Pollack and peers observed how water molecules interact with hydrophilic (water-loving) surfaces. Using microspheres, dyes, and salts, their research shows a unique liquid-crystalline state of water forms that has a negative charge.
Biological hydrophilic surfaces, in particular, cold ghee, produced an exclusion zone of nearly 1mm, or approximately one million molecular layers.
- G. E. Morfill, H. M. Thomas, U. Konopka, M. Zuzic; The plasma condensation: Liquid and crystalline plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 1 May 1999; 6 (5): 1769–1780. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.873435 ↩︎
- Ovchinnikova K, Pollack GH. Can water store charge? Langmuir. 2009 Jan 6;25(1):542-7. doi: 10.1021/la802430k. PMID: 19053655; PMCID: PMC2845823. ↩︎