You’ll notice structured water benefits from the first sip. Whether you are looking to stay better hydrated, have more energy, or improve overall health, there are many health reasons for incorporating structured water into your daily routine.
Structured water is a relatively new term in the scientific community, but it’s experiencing an explosion of research. Scientists have conducted a variety of studies on the health benefits of structured water, employing structuring methods such as magnetism, gravity, vortexing, light frequencies, and even special glass bottles.
In this article we are going to discover what structured water molecules are, how you can use structured water, and 10 amazing health benefits of structured water.
What is Structured Water?
What is structured water? Well, structured water shares similarities to regular water molecules, with a chemical formula of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O).
However, how we differentiate water, ice, and steam is best applied to understand structured water.
Structured water blurs the lines between the liquid and solid states (water and ice). Seen as the fourth phase of water, structured water resembles a liquid crystalline, naturally holds a negative charge, and clusters in a hexagonal structure. For this reason, it’s also known as “hexagonal water”.
Similar to how you shouldn’t drink water from mountain springs due to environmental contaminants, filtered water should be used to create structured water.
Learn more about structured water here, including the scientific concepts and ways to structure water in your own home.

Is Structured Water Only for Drinking? (No! It’s multi-purpose!)
Beyond drinking structured water, there are many other ways to harness the benefits. Structured water devices also come in the form of shower heads for softer, more hydrated, skin.
For larger applications, water structuring devices are available for swimming pools and spas, gardening, and animal raising. Literally, anywhere you use water!
Animal studies have shown positive results across more than 7 varieties of mammals 1. The research showed:
- better growth
- healthier blood
- more yields when milking cows and goats
- improved reproductive health
- and reduced markers of oxidative stress.
Benefits of Structured Water
Water molecules make up 70% of our mass and empower the human body to efficiently dissolve oxygen, transport nutrients, and expel toxins.
Dehydration can be very harmful and accelerates the aging process by causing cells to dysfunction. The rouge cells then slow down our brains, make our muscles fatigued, and generally wreak havoc.
Structured water is attracted to hydrophilic (water-loving) cells and when consumed, dehydrated cells are encapsulated by this thriving source of energy, significantly reducing dysfunction.
On the contrary, normal water does not have the same tendency to latch onto dehydrated cells, dissolve toxins, and can be passed through your body rapidly as clear urine.
Do I Need a Water Filter? (Ideally, yes)
Structured water devices should be used in tandem, with a quality water filter, and sound advice.
For example, reverse osmosis systems can strip away trace elements that the human body needs to properly absorb water.
Sadly, according to the World Health Organization, over 2 Billion people use a drinking water source that is contaminated with feces. At a minimum, you should always drink filtered water. 2
In the 21st century, water filters can fit any budget, and be very portable, so there really is no excuse.
Let’s dive into the 10 benefits, shall we?
10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Structured Water
1. Stores (and Passes on) Abundant Energy
Structured water possesses higher levels of energy than ordinary tap water.
By understanding cutting-edge research, structured water has a negative charge measuring up to −200 mV (millivolts). This important finding implies that water itself can affect the growth and bioactivity of humans and animals. 3 4
For context, 1000mV = 1 volt. With 1 volt you can run hearing aids, mp3 players, and other low-power devices.
Similar to eating fruit, when drinking a glass of structured water we become enriched with profuse energy.
2. Regulates Basic Cellular Functions
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. They generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is the main energy source for our biochemical and physiological processes.
Structured water increases our mitochondrial energy output, making cells disfunction less, and experience increased stability. 5 6
3. Reduce Oxidative Stress
Structured water’s abundant energy has been shown to combat oxidative stress very effectively.
Oxidative stress is caused when free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells. It causes a domino effect of inflammation and dysfunction throughout the human body.
Research shows that drinking structured water increases available electrons that neutralize free radicals. 7
3. Slows Alzheimer’s Disease and other Neurodegenerative Disorders
Neurodegenerative disorders occur when the electrical networks in our brains stop communicating efficiently.
Some of the main culprits are oxidative stress and dysfunctioning mitochondria that clog up the messaging pathways. 8
Fortunately, scientists have found that by drinking structured water, we boost the brain’s detoxification process.
Additionally, protein folding has a massive impact on our brains.
Protein folding is when a chain of amino acids forms a three-dimensional structure. When proteins misfold, abnormal structures (which are toxic to our neurons) form and accumulate in the brain.
Consuming structured water has demonstrated remarkable improvements in the stability and efficiency of protein folding, which helps to slow down neurodegenerative disorders. 9
4. Helps Regulate Blood Glucose Levels
Why else should you drink structured water?
Blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, circulates throughout the bloodstream, supplying energy to our organs. Our bodies are constantly moderating our blood glucose levels.
However, diabetics’ bodies don’t self-regulate; when their glucose levels become too low, their vital organs don’t get the necessary fuel. On the contrary, when glucose levels are too high, insulin is required to bring them down to a healthy range.
A structured water study on diabetic rats showed very positive results for preventing, treating, and mitigating complications for diabetic patients. 10
5. Supports Healthy Muscle Mass and Improve Strength
We all want to remain strong without having to gym, right?
Our muscle content is around 76% water. As we age, our total body water content continues to decline, affecting our muscle strength. 11
Structured water is attracted to hydrophilic surfaces, such as our muscles. Animal studies across different animal species, including seven groups of mammals, showed an increase in growth and performance.
After exercise, our muscles release lactic acid that builds up and causes pain, fatigue, and limits our performance the next day. Structured water’s natural ability to detoxify also helps with improving our muscle strength and performance compared to ordinary drinking water.
6. Supports Anti-Aging Routines
Beyond the surface-level understanding of our age, we can look at our cellular age by taking a test such as the GlycanAge test.
This test takes into account our diets, fitness, hormone changes, and environment, such as the air we breathe.
Specifically, glycans are essential biomolecules that provide structure, energy storage, and system regulatory purposes.
To the astonishment of scientists, a comprehensive GylcanAge and structured water study showed that when participants drank 1.5 liters of structured water daily for 6 weeks, 99% of the participants’ cellular ages reversed by 1 to 12 years. 12
8. Improved Hydration
Water is the single most important nutrient for our cells. It provides hydration and enables electrolytes to be transported to our organs.
Even mild dehydration can lead to negative symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, low energy levels, and poor mental clarity and focus.
For adults to be properly hydrated, we have to consume 6-8 glasses of water per day. When comparing regular tap water to structured water, we can achieve better hydration with less water.
Game changer.
9. Healthier DNA
DNA consists of countless microscopic molecules that are intricately held together by water, providing the essential structure.
When DNA is not properly hydrated it forms different conformations that can negatively affect our health. 13
When incorporating structured water into a daily routine, the water molecules become stronger, have abundant energy, and more robust bonds. In turn, structured water better supports our DNA from becoming damaged and helps with self-repair.
10. Improves Mood and Happiness
The practice of collecting, structuring, or consuming, water has by itself, been shown to impact our mood and happiness. Neuroscientists have found that simply being near water makes us at ease, reduces anxiety, and improves our mental health. 14
Creating structured water can take one minute, or up to thirty minutes, depending on the chosen water structuring method. This activity makes us slow down, focus on the water, and connect to what we are about to consume.
Everything has a frequency, and the evidence suggests that we might have a direct impact on the health of molecules, cells, and beings that we come into contact with.
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